Toy Example #2: Read CSV, no excel

We read one or multiple CSV files, plot the data and save the contents of these CSV files into (multiple) table(s) of an excel file.

Location in GivEmXL project


User interaction

The user runs from from a terminal window a batch script / csvread.bat (invoking csvread.jl), to which he can optionally provide parameter -s / --start, -l / --lastrow (defining the data subset), -e / --throwonerr, and -h / --help. These options are defined through the variable pp0::YAArguParser.ArgumentParser which is initialized in the file init_cli_options.jl. The user will be asked to point to "his" CSV file(s), and a GUI dialog opens. There are two CSV files provided in the folder data/ of the example package.

The type of the file dialog is defined in the line 22 of the file csvread.jl: dialogtype = :single. You can replace it by :multiple or :folder. In the last case, all CSV files in the selected folder will be processed.

Upon processing and saving the results, a corresponding message is printed, and either next file can be selected, or processing finished by typing -a / --abort. These interactions are defined by the variable pps, which is a NamedTuple of ArgumentParsers.

Processing functions

We define following just one processing function in the file NoXLexample_specific.jl

  • preproc: Reads the CSV data into DataFrames to be passed downstream, and produces plots

procsubset and postproc are both set to nothing in csvread.jl

User invoked script

The csvread.jl calls complete_interact function. We have already discussed most of the parameters passed to it function. getexel=false and getdata=(; dialogtype = :single, filterlist="csv") tell that there should be a GUI dialog for data file(s) only.

Error processing

There are two more excel files there: in MissingData.xlsx, some y values are missing in one of the spans, wheras in BrokenData.xlsx the expected data table is missing completely. In the first case, the data is processed as far as possible, and error information saved into the file named MissingData_err.txt, and in the second, only the file BrokenData_err.txt will be saved.

If the flag --throwonerr was provided, the program would throw on the first error with the usual screenfull of information, otherwise the data will processed as far as possible, and error information saved into a file in the results folder.

Development process

See file noninteractive_test.jl for how to supply the parameters to your processing functions in the course of the development process.