Creating a project from template

using GivEmXL: makeproj

makeproj("/my_projects/MyProject/", "MyProject", "scrpt"; authors=["1st author", "2nd author"])

This will create a GivEmXL based project from the default template. The project will be named MyProject and put into the folder /my_projects/MyProject/, with scripts named and scrpt.bat, among other things.

using GivEmXL: makeproj

makeproj("/my_projects/MyToyProject/", "MyToyProject", "rcex2", :example1; authors=["1st author", "2nd author"])

will create a project based on our Toy Example #1. See also makeproj documentation.

Referring to other in-house julia projects in your project

Our aim is that the only thing the end user will have to do to set up the environment would be simply running instantiate.bat (resp. once. If your project refers to some in-house projects, not registered in the General Registry, you can simply copy these projects into a subfolder of your projects. In case you generate you project from the default template, as shown above, your project will contain the placeholder for such dependency in the instantiate.jl file. Alternatively you can add dependencies from a (file) server: for this case, uncomment and adjust the corresponding line in instantiate.jl.