API data processing

In a general case your calculation would processes multiple data subsets, wherein the processing is performed in three steps: preprocessing, processing of each subset in a loop, and postprocessing. Each step can be however skipped. Specifically if your data are not divided into subsets, you would put everything into the "preprocessing" function.

You have to provide the corresponding functions for each of the steps, except skipped ones. You have the free choice in respect to the names of these functions. Results of each step are merged with the results of the previous one and passed to the following one. The processing data and saving results is performed by the function proc_n_save, which calls the functions proc_data and save_results, respectively. The results are saved into a sub-directory of the excel file folder, and contain plots, the multi-table results file in XLSX format, and, in case of errors, a text file with errors information.

Parameter passed to data processing functions

  • xlfile::String: path to the exel file (in general case, Union{Nothing, String})
  • datafiles::Nothing: we put our data into the same exel file (in general case, Union{Nothing, String, Vector{String}})
  • paramsets::Vector{NamedTuple}: In our case, there will be 3 NamedTuples, one for each row of the table params_experiment. Each NamedTuple will contain the data as defined in the corresponding row as well a (repeating) data from the user input (here only plotformat defined) and the table table params_experiment, e.g.
julia> paramsets[1]
(plotformat = "png", throwonerr = true, area = 0.5 cm², Vunit = mV, timeunit = s, Cunit = nF, R = 5 GΩ, t_start = 1 s, t_stop = 4 s, ϵ = 3.7, no = 1, plot_annotation = "first discharge", comment = "first discharge – 1")


The preprocessing function must take three arguments discussed above, like fn_preproc(xlfile, datafiles, paramsets), and expected to return a NamedTuple as following (;plots, dataframes, data):

  • plots::Union{Nothing, NamedTuple{(:plot_annotation, plots...)}}: e.g. (;plot_annotation="overview", ov1=pl1, ov2=pl2) - here pl1 and pl2 are plot objects. The annotation will be a part of the file name(s), and if there are multiple plots, their names (e.g. pl1) will be compounded into the file name, too. Each plot will be eventually saved to a separate file.
  • dataframes::Union{Nothing, NamedTuple{(dataframes...)}}: e.g. (; overview_table=df1). Each dataframe will be saved into a correspondingly named table of the results file in XLSX format.
  • data::Any: The data to be passed to the following processing steps.

Subset processing

The subset processing function must take arguments like following: fn_subset(i, pm_subset, overview, xlfile, datafiles, paramsets):

  • i: Subset number.
  • pm_subset=paramsets[i]: For paramsets, see above (and yes, I know, it's kind of redundant).
  • overview::NamedTuple{(:plots, :dataframes, :data)}: NamedTuple as returned by the preprocessing function.
  • for the rest of the arguments, see above.

It is expected to return a NamedTuple as following (;rs, df_row):

  • rs::NamedTuple{(:subset, :plot_annotation, plots..., more results... )}: Where subset=i, and plot_annotation and plots... have the same meaning as for preprocessing.
  • df_row::NamedTuple: The subset results to be afterwards concatenated into a DataFrame and saved as a table of an excel file.


The postprocessing function must take arguments like following: fn_postproc(xlfile, datafiles, paramsets, overview, subsets_results):

  • subsets_results::Vector{NamedTuple{(:rs, :df_row)}}: Concatenation of subset processing results.
  • for all other parameters, see above.

It is expected to return a NamedTuple as following (;plots, :dataframes) - see Preprocessing above for details.

Plot objects

If your data processing functions return Plots or Makie objects, that is supported out of the box. If you use some other package, or maybe want to save some other objects instead of or additionally to the plots, you have to define your own methods for two functions like following (see also package extension files in the GivEmXL's folder ext/ as an example):

import GivEmXL: isplot, save_plot
using Foo # you favorite plotting package

isplot(::Foo.foo_plot) = true
save_plot(pl::::Foo.foo_plot, fl) = Foo.saveplot(pl, fl)


All three processing steps:

function my_preproc(args...; kwargs...) 
    # do the job

function my_proc_subset(args...; kwargs...) 
    # do the job

function my_postproc(args...; kwargs...) 
    # do the job

complete_interact(pp0, pps, (my_preproc, my_proc_subset, my_postproc); getexel=true, getdata=(; dialogtype = :none))

One processing step:

function my_proc_everything(args...; kwargs...) 
    # do the job

complete_interact(pp0, pps, (my_proc_everything, nothing, nothing); getexel=true, getdata=(; dialogtype = :none))